The production of bioethanol from selected agro waste (banana and cassava) peels was examined using Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain CBS 1171and Lactobacillus delbrueckii strain MN945906. The results of the proximate analysis shows that carbohydrate content were 67.85±0.23%, nitrogen (0.21%), potassium (64.7%), and phophorus (31.3%). The waste was hydrolyzed with Aspergillus niger strain MN945947 and Zymomonas mobilis strain MN945907 into 20g, 30g, and 40g, of the substrate for 7 days. The hydrolysed and filtered extracts were fermented with S. cerevisiae strain CBS 1171and L. delbrueckii strain MN945906 for 5 days. The fermented product was purified by distillation and ethanol collected at 78oC. When combination of S. cerevisiae, and L.delbrueckii was use for fermentation at 40g, banana+cassava recorded (21.94%), cassava peel (25.99%) and banana (10.32%). When S. cerevisiae were used alone for fermentation cassava peel recorded (22.98%), banana (9.36%), and (21.08%) for banana+cassava peel. When L. delbrueckii was used alone for fermentation cassava peel recorded (10.61%), banana (8.24%) and banana+cassava peel (15.79%). However, when 30g of substrate were used, banana peel recorded 9.56%, cassava peel had 20.92% and banana+cassava peel recorded 20.86%. At 20g of substrate banana peel recorded 8.76%, cassava peel had 14.14% and banana+cassava peels yielded 13.21%. The average percentage weight and volume for banana+cassava was 13.83% (15.7g/cm3 ), cassava peel 12.26% (14.17g/cm3 ) and banana peel had 6.8% (18.24g/cm3 ).The result revealed that cassava +banana peels a better production of bioethanol using the combination of S. cerevisiae and L. delbruecki.